Yadkin Baptist Church
Morning Worship Service
February 16th, 2025
Welcome & Announcements Rev. Jim Hamby
Call to Worship “Goodness of God” Yadkin Singers
Invocation Deacon Walter Ford
Hymn No. 3 “Worthy of Worship”
Morning Prayer Rev. Jim Hamby
Offertory Hymn No. 182 “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”
Offertory Prayer
Morning Offering
Anthem “Can’t Even Walk” Yadkin Singers
Scripture Luke 19:1-10
Message Rev. Jim Hamby
“Why Jesus Came”
Invitation Hymn No. 280 “Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross”
The flowers place in the sanctuary today are given in loving memory of parents,
Kenneth & Myrtle Bentley Johnson and are given by Bob/Diane Thompson.
The End of Year Financial reports for 2024 are available and located in the wall
pockets in the vestibule and near the church office.
A reminder: Our monthly rice bag collection is due the last Sunday of each
month. When grocery shopping, consider picking up 1 lb. bags of rice for
our local Yokefellow mission. Place purchases in the marked container in the
hallway near the choir room by next Sunday, February 23rd.
The Senior Adult S.S. Class will meet at Mayflower this Thursday,
February 20th @ 11:30 a.m.
2nd Annual Caldwell County FAITH FAIR
The Caldwell County Faith Fair is a one-day event of family friendly fun &
entertainment. Hosted by local churches working in unity to bless the
community, coming to the Caldwell Agricultural Fairgrounds, May 17th 2025.
With free parking, free admission & free game play kids can win prizes,
enjoy bouncy houses, puppet shows, live skits & more. With something for
the whole family there’s music & special guest speakers, free goodies,
free water & snacks, vendors for optional shopping & food trucks.
Why it is….
This event is free family fun where parents can take their kids for a good time
at no cost to them. While there, in all the games and play they will encounter
people serving them in love. They may wonder why a bunch of people would
do this for the town for free. What would motivate such a thing? The love of Christ.
It’s a free fun event for people and an opportunity to sow seeds for God’s Kingdom.
We are His Hands & Feet How to Help….
Fundraising: if able, churches are asked to help fund Faith Fair in bringing
this event to the community. While we also reach out to businesses for
sponsorship, churches help this as well. 100% of all funds are used directly for
and in the Faith Fair. Any excess funds raised after expenses are paid is used
in the meal assistance program, to back “Faith Fair dollars” which are
distributed for attendees in need to use at the food trucks.
Games/Entertainment: for churches who are able we can always use more fun!
Setting up a game for kids or even adults to play is a great way to introduce
them to Jesus. We have games with a biblical twist such as: “Casting Crowns,”
“Fishers of Men,” “Battle Against Sin,” & “David & Goliath.” We have puppet
shows that tell stories of the bible and teach on biblical morals. Live skits are
another way to show people the love of Jesus. If this is what you would like
to do but you’re not sure on a game, we have a list of ideas!
Bible Walk: the exhibit hall has a visual walk-through bible story. Churches
with people who love to decorate can select a story already there to make
better or pick a new story illustrate. These are paired with scrolls at each
one giving scriptures and an overview of each booth.
Communal Service Areas: some things are paid for by funds raised and
volunteers are needed to help, such as a bouncy house. A church could
‘adopt’ a bouncy house and man it for the day. Other areas need volunteers
too such as clean up and trash detail, taking a shift at the front gate,
with the safety/security team, live drama skits, operate a shuttle for people in
the parking lot or being extra hands-on deck for those in need.
Every member is important and useful. The ears, the hands,
the feet…
Each is needed and brings glory to His Name. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27)
Please see Joann Moretz if you have any questions. For details,
you can also go to faithfair.org
Weekly Opportunities
Sunday, February 16
9:45 Sunday School
11:00 Morning Worship
6:00 Evening Service
6:45 Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday, February 19
No Evening Service
Thursday, February 20
11:30 Senior Adult S.S.
Lunch @ Mayflower
Sunday, February 23
9:45 Sunday School
11:00 Worship Service
6:00 Evening Service
6:45 Choir Rehearsal
YBC Mission Statement
Serving God
Sharing the Gospel
Making Disciples
Loving People