Yadkin Baptist Church
Morning Worship Service
November 3rd, 2024
Call to Worship No. 253 Congregational
“Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Invocation Deacon David Hoffman
Hymn No. 547 “I Stand Amazed in the Presence”
Welcome & Announcements
Pastoral Prayer
Offertory Hymn No. 210 “My Jesus, I Love Thee”
Offertory Prayer
Morning Offering
Anthem “Be Thou My Vison” Adult Choir
Scripture Proverbs 3:1-10
Message Rev. Jim Hamby
“Learning to Lean”
Invitation Hymn No. 285 “Wherever He Leads I’ll Go”
Closing Prayer
Our Christian love & sympathy is extended to Mike/Tracy Enloe and
family in the passing of Tracy’s beloved mother, Loretta Hartley.
YBC, Thank you for the beautiful Peace Lily that was sent for
mom’s service. We really appreciate your support but most of all
your prayers. Thank you again, Scott/Rita Triplett & Family
We invite all ladies of the church to join in each Wednesday at
10:00a.m. for Women’s Bible Study together.
On Wednesday, November 20th we begin a new study,
“The Women of Christmas” by Liz Curtis Higgs that runs
through Wednesday, December 18th. Along with the study
we will be showing the movie The Nativity Story.
Women’s World Day of Prayer
will be held at Whitnel First Baptist
Monday, November 4th @ 7:00p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
All ladies are invited to join Caldwell Bapt. Women and thousands
of others around the world in prayer for each other.
Change to Angel Tree dates
Our Angel Tree is set up in front of
the sanctuary today, Sunday, November 3 – 24th.
A list of wished items and sizes with age of child are on the
back of each tag. All Angel Tree items are due back to the
church no later than Sunday, November 24th.
** Please respond by tomorrow,
Monday, November 4th **
Veterans’ Day Parade at Happy Valley School
Friday, November 8th
All Veteran’s encouraged to attend
Please be at the YBC parking lot across the road from the church
by 12:30pm. A free KFC Box lunch for veterans and spouses given
to you in the Parade Line. Sponsored by HVS Junior Beta Club.
Call Emily Cook at 754-3496 or
email emcook@caldwellschools.com if participating.
***Lunch & Learn​​ Thursday, November 14 at 11:00 AM***
The November Lunch and Learn will be
at Southern Crossroads in Lenoir, NC. Lunch will be
Dutch treat and the speaker will be Rev. Roger Parker. Please
register for this event by this Friday, November 8. To register
please call 758-4081, or email office@caldwellbaptist.org
Weekly Opportunities
Sunday, November 3
9:45 Sunday School
11:00 Worship Service
Speaker: Rev. Jim Hamby
6:00 Evening Service
6:45 Choir Rehearsal
Monday, November 4
7:00 Women's Day of Prayer
at Whitnel First Baptist
Tuesday, November 5
Election Day
12:00 Joy Club
7:00 Deacon's Meeting
Wednesday, November 6
10:00 Women's Bible Study
No Evening Service
Sunday, November 10
9:45 Sunday School
11:00 Morning Worship
Speaker: Rev. Jim Hamby
Veteran's Presentation
Budget Presented
6:00 Church Conference
Budget Discussed
6:00 Evening Service
6:45 Choir Rehearsal
Upcoming Speakers
Sunday November 10th : Rev. Jim Hamby
Retired Pastor Fellowship Baptist Church
& Lakeview Baptist Church
Contact # Rev. Jim Hamby: 310-6309
YBC Mission Statement
Serving God
Sharing the Gospel
Making Disciples
Loving People